RFID – often still inadequate for industrial logistics

Fraunhofer Institute and Abels & Kemmner are in agreement:

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, which has been around for over 20 years, enables a product code to be recognized quickly without visual contact. This technology therefore offers considerable added value compared to the barcodes that can be found almost everywhere.

RFID tag

So why is it not yet widely used and integrated into logistics and production processes? Because – despite technical progress in recent years and the current success stories from the trade – it still has serious shortcomings for industrial use in logistics! Read rates well below 99% and difficult environmental conditions due to water and metal mean that in many cases they cannot currently be used economically. A feasibility study should therefore be carried out before RFID technology is introduced in order to avoid a bad investment.

Nevertheless, there are very successful industrial RFID applications, but in most cases they are limited to in-house areas. The recommendation is therefore to start in manageable areas. Seminar participants were recently able to find out what these are at the Management Circle. If you missed this event, which was organized by Abels & Kemmner, the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems and the Daimler Chrysler Group, you are welcome to contact us personally. We support you in the evaluation, project planning and implementation of RFID-based supply chains.

Picture of Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemmner

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemmner

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