Spare parts logistics is one of the most unpleasant tasks in scheduling. On the one hand, spare parts requirements can be very sporadic and therefore difficult to predict; on the other hand, customers react very sensitively when spare parts are urgently needed but cannot be delivered. It becomes very problematic when spare parts only have a short life cycle and are no longer available well before the warranty period expires. If the forecast for the final stock level is wrong, considerable costs and unpleasant discussions with customers are inevitable. We achieved a breakthrough in our pilot project for the electronics industry. The initial results – which we have summarized exclusively for you in this article – are encouraging and give us hope!
The challenge of spare parts logistics
Dr. Bernd Reineke
Dr Reineke holds a doctorate in mechanical engineering and was initially responsible for logistics, planning, scheduling, development and IT in industry for 10 years. Since then, he has been advising companies with a focus on SCM, production control, IT optimisation and inventory management. The results of his projects have already won several awards.
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