The DISKOVER user meeting – a complete success

By Dr. Bernd Reineke

Our user meeting on July 21, 2011 was not my first in general, but it was my first as a software provider. I was delighted to receive so many positive comments about our DISKOVER optimization software. The product from our subsidiary SCT GmbH therefore not only impresses with good functionality and an intuitive user interface, but also with good customer service.

In addition to the hotline with fast problem solving, we also understand this to mean the solution of sometimes tricky tasks. This includes problem analysis, solution design and implementation with organizational and technical measures.

The workshops in which we jointly defined the next tasks for DISKOVER confirm that we are on the right track. They are also a great incentive for us to continue expanding as a supply chain solution par excellence. You can find a short report on the User Day in this issue.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved once again!

Best regards and enjoy reading
Bernd Reineke

Picture of Dr. Bernd Reineke

Dr. Bernd Reineke