Abels & Kemmner honored as “Top Consultant

Herzogenrath supply chain experts are among the best consultants for SMEs

Herzogenrath, 03.09.2012 – Abels & Kemmner GmbH has today been awarded the coveted quality seal  “Top Consultant 2012”. This puts the experts for supply chain and inventory optimization among the 60 best consulting firms for SMEs in Germany. This is the result of a nationwide comparison of consultants conducted by Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink, Professor of Management Consulting at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, and under the patronage of Hans Eichel, former Federal Minister of Finance.

Abels & Kemmner received particularly positive ratings in the categories “Competence”,  “Seriousness” and “Satisfaction”. The company, which specializes in logistics and supply chain optimization, was able to set itself apart from the competition primarily through a special mix of high technical expertise and practical experience: the consultants are not only particularly well trained (above-average proportion of university graduates among the consultants), but have also been able to gain an above-average amount of practical experience in management positions outside the consulting industry. “This is extremely remarkable, especially in comparison with the large consulting firms, and shows that these are consultants who know what is important to SMEs,” says Prof. Dr. Fink, summarizing the results. It is also fitting that the customer companies surveyed praise Abels & Kemmner as a reliable and loyal partner for SMEs.

“We are delighted to have received this coveted award in the “Management Consulting” category,” explains Prof. Dr. Götz-Andreas Kemmner. “The fact that this is primarily due to feedback from our customers makes us particularly proud. After all, it shows that the companies we advise are very satisfied with our work. And that is our benchmark.”

About the top consultant comparison
The “Top Consultant” seal of approval helps SMEs to find their way in the broad consulting market: consulting companies such as Abels & Kemmner, which bear this seal of approval, offer competent and reliable consulting services that are precisely tailored to the special needs of SMEs. By being named a “Top Consultant”, Abels & Kemmner has now been recognized independently and on a scientifically sound basis for the successful work with which the company has made a name for itself, particularly as a specialist in inventory reduction and supply capability.

The benchmarking project “Top Consultant” was carried out for the third time under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. Fink on behalf of compamedia GmbH. In particular, the professionalism of the advisory service and customer satisfaction were evaluated. In addition to answering a questionnaire, ten reference customers of each consultant were interviewed. The award is presented in four categories: Management Consultant, HR Consultant, IT Consultant and Coach. 60 companies receive the seal of quality: 23 management consultants, 17 HR consultants, 18 IT consultants and three coaches. One company was honored in two categories.

Further information on the “Top Consultant” project can be found at: http://www.top-consultant.de

Picture of Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemmner

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemmner