Disposition 4.0 specialists awarded!

Wulff congratulates Reineke and Kemmner

Herzogenrath/Aachen, 25.6.2016 – The management consultancy Abels & Kemmner from Herzogenrath was honored as one of the best management consultancies in Germany on Friday evening. At the German SME Summit in Essen, former German President Dr. Christian Wulff presented the prestigious “Top Consultant 2016” seal of approval to managing partners Professor Andreas Kemmner and Dr. Bernd Reineke. Only consulting companies whose customers attest to the highest level of satisfaction were honored. Abels & Kemmner GmbH, based in the Technologiepark Herzogenrath (TPH), specializes in supply chain management. The aim here is to make optimum use of resources and deliver exactly the right quantity of goods to where they are needed.

“It’s great to be rewarded for your efforts,” says Dr. Reineke, who is also a father of two and a passionate mountain biker and tennis player. “As the award is also basically on behalf of our customers, we are particularly pleased about it,” adds Professor Kemmner, also a father of two and a passionate sailor in his spare time.

Abels & Kemmner’s work is important for customer satisfaction for branded goods companies, the manufacturing industry, wholesalers and chain stores, because what customer wants to wait a long time for goods these days? Nevertheless, no company can afford to hold too much stock, which ties up capital and increases the risk of having to throw away goods. An optimized supply chain saves costs and protects the environment. In times when resources are becoming scarcer and waste is becoming more and more of a focus, the work of Abels & Kemmner is becoming increasingly important.

The Top Consultant award is based on a scientifically sound customer survey conducted by the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. The decisive factor for the award is that customers attest to the consultant’s high level of professionalism and are very satisfied with their services. All of the consultants who were recognized as Top Consultants in five categories achieved a very good or good result. Abels & Kemmner was one of 87 companies to make it into the ranks of the best consultants in 2016. Abels & Kemmner even made it into the top 10 of the TOP Consultants in the areas of professional competence, reliability, openness and customer recommendation, as well as communicated customer satisfaction.

“Medium-sized companies expect consultants to communicate with them as equals and develop individual solutions for their specific challenges,” says Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink, “Top consultants such as Abels & Kemmner show very impressively that they meet their clients’ wishes and also think outside the box. In the unmanageable jungle of consultants, the Top Consultant seal gives clients guidance they can trust.”

Picture of Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemmner

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemmner