Interview: Supply chain optimisation with digital twin simulation

Today in particular is

by events such as the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, high inflation and the war in Ukraine. This makes it all the more important to ensure competitiveness. In an interview with Businesstalk am Kudamm, Silvia Frankenne talks about how potential in the supply chain can be uncovered and utilized to ensure future success. The central element here is supply chain optimization with simulation using a digital twin.

Topics are:

  1. W
    hy it is important to improve supply chains right now
  2. Why we are the right people to get “logistics business models” back on track
  3. What the “digital twin” is exactly
  4. How customers benefit from the combination of technology and expertise
  5. What improvement effects can be expected in the supply chain

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Picture of Silvia Frankenne

Silvia Frankenne