AI in the supply chain – hype or real added value?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently on everyone’s lips. Whether in medicine, finance or industry – everywhere it is seen as the key to the future. Companies are investing in AI because they have to. Anyone who does not work ‘AI-supported’ today almost seems to be a relic from the past. But a closer look reveals that behind many functions advertised as AI lies a marketing promise.

In the supply chain in particular, there is great pressure to jump on the AI bandwagon. The truth is: many systems that are sold as AI today do not use genuine self-learning algorithms.

AI is not a miracle cure – data quality is crucial

But beyond the marketing promise, the realisation remains that AI needs data – lots of data and, above all, ‘good’ data. The quality of the data is crucial. Without clean, consistent and complete data, no AI, no matter how clever, can deliver meaningful results. In many companies, decision-makers underestimate this point and expect ‘magical’ results from an AI – but a poor database only leads to poor decisions.

Conclusion: using AI in a targeted and meaningful way

The question is not whether AI will change the supply chain – it already is. However, instead of blindly chasing after every trend, companies should carefully examine where AI really offers added value and whether sufficiently good quality data is even available for the AI solution. The decisive economic factor is not whether AI is on the packaging, but whether the system carries out real learning processes, enables more precise decisions and pays for itself in the

Are you ready to make your supply chain truly intelligent?

As experts in data-driven supply chain optimisation, we are used to first scrutinising data quality and then making targeted improvements. We have developed numerous tools for this, including simulation in the digital twin. Feel free to contact us – we will help you to derive real added value from AI and make your supply chain future-proof and more resilient.


Picture of Silvia Frankenne

Silvia Frankenne