And the groundhog greets us daily …

In the movie of the same name, Phil Connors is trapped in a time loop and relives the same day over and over again. Every morning at 6 a.m. the alarm clock rings and it starts all over again. Walter Gründlich*) feels the same way as Phil Connors. He is a dispatcher in a medium-sized company. Every morning at 7 a.m., the fight against the stocks starts all over again. Meetings with a déjà vu atmosphere are the order of the day. The same lists over and over again, the same topics over and over again. He can rattle off the top 100 stocks. He is unable to break out of his endless loop. Phil Connors also finds it difficult to cope with the situation at first, but then he learns from his experiences and uses his knowledge to escape the evil curse. With the support of the beautiful Rita, he finally makes his breakthrough.

But how does Walter Gründlich achieve a happy ending? Although his knowledge increases and he has painful experiences, he does not achieve a breakthrough. Sometimes there is a lack of ideas, sometimes attempts at implementation fail. Unfortunately, we are not in the movie where the beautiful Rita unexpectedly helps us to success. In reality, Walter Gründlich has to take action and seek the necessary support. He knows from our potential where he can do this.

I wish you a successful spring with good ideas and successful implementation!


Bernd Reineke

*) Name changed.

Picture of Dr. Bernd Reineke

Dr. Bernd Reineke

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