Nine inventory drivers determine your liquidity. Last seminar before the summer break.

Nine inventory drivers determine your liquidity. Last seminar before the summer break.

Inventories are a real ongoing issue in business.
Hardly anything ties up so much capital and causes such high costs as excessive stock levels.
Between €190,000 and €300,000 a year per million in stock – that’s money you’d rather invest in innovative projects, right?
But how do you get a grip on stock levels without compromising delivery capability?

In the seminar “Modern Inventory Management”, which will take place on July 9/10 in Frankfurt, my colleague Prof. Kemmner will go into detail about the nine inventory drivers that determine how high a company’s inventories are and how much liquidity can be “tapped” without impairing the ability to deliver.

My consultant colleagues are constantly dealing with these nine dominant inventory drivers in their projects.
These include not only the classic planning work areas such as sales forecasting, planning strategy, planning master data and production control, but also structural challenges such as correct supplier integration, a well-designed product portfolio and the correct constructive design of products.
The human factor, with its need for security and sometimes erratic decision-making behavior, also plays a role, as does the whip effect in the supply chain, which means that small changes in demand can lead to drastic fluctuations in demand from suppliers.

Something can be done about all these challenges, including the whip effect.

Take the opportunity to arm yourself with new ideas and strategies before your summer vacation.
Prof. Kemmner is looking forward to welcoming you or your colleagues to Frankfurt in two weeks’ time and taking the topic of inventory management to a new level together with you!

Yours, Silvia Frankenne

Picture of Silvia Frankenne

Silvia Frankenne